Payment Settings for your event ticketing shop

What do you need to know before starting the process of payment settings

Before you start analysing payment settings it should be mentioned that our ticket distribution system sends money directly from ticket customers to a seller – our client. The benefits of this approach are obvious: the ticket seller receives money immediately and can use it completely free even before a show starts. Some similar ticket selling systems receive money from ticketing to their accounts and transfer money to a producer only after the show ends. From our point of view it’s a very great disadvantage, because a lot of operational costs that are difficult to cover without money from ticketing, occur during the event production. That’s exactly why we’ve chosen the model where the ticket seller gets money from customers, and our service fee is paid once per month and is based on the previous month’s sales.

Which payment systems to choose?

There is no a universal answer to this question. It depends on the country and the target audience of a show. The only thing that is common to any country – you need to accept credit card payments. Our ticket distribution program operates in more than 10 countries and market leaders of payment system business are present in these countries. That’s why we recommend to find an audience rating of payment systems which are presented in your country and focus on it.

What if I want to use a payment system that is not installed in your ticketing software?

We are always very flexible with our clients, that’s why we can install new payment systems, especially for the clients who appear to be the first in their country to start selling tickets using our application. To make an inquiry for the installation of a new payment system please make sure that your company’s account has been verified and is ready to be used, and after that feel free to contact our support team.

Basic payment settings

So called payment templates are in charge of payment settings in our system. Aside of being able to configure money acceptance with any payment systems installed in our program,the payment template provides information about currency code, VAT rates in case it is applied, as well as reservation cost settings and even settings of a maximum number of tickets in one order. The payment template is auto-generated after the registration in the system. The template is one of the parameters that needs to be chosen while generating a show. In case there is a necessity of selling tickets in several countries with different currency, it is easy to perform by creating a separate template for each currency. A template edition form looks like the one in the picture below.

After the introduction let’s move on to the payment system settings.


A well-known system which is popular in North America, in West Europe etc. Luckily, the settings are quite simple. For template editing click the icon with an image of a pencil in the payment template list, then go to the PayPal tab and enter the email address of your company business account. It’s the same address you enter to log in the PayPal account of your company. It’s the only required parameter. Then enter “Yes” in the PayPal activity field. After that the ticket payments via PayPal will be received in your company’s account.The amount of additional commision fee may be added if necessary as well as the icon of the payment system a customer sees in the screen may be changed. In the same manner payment systems display queue  may be assigned by changing the field value “Position number in the purchase form”.

Wire payment

Quite simple and popular method of payment. A user downloads a file with an order description and a seller’s account details, and then makes money transfer. The advantage of this payment is that a wire payment inside a country, as a rule, is not chargeable. The downside is that a ticket seller must control incoming payment to a bank account and send tickets to customers manually. It may be not very convenient, especially in case of substantial sales. 

To set a wire payment you should edit a wire payment template. Then enter the information about account details and terms of payment. Alongside with this, the system sends an email to a user and the text of it may be changed in the section “Email services settings”.


One of the most popular and quickly developing system for credit card payment. To configure the system only two parameters should to be entered – public and secret keys. To get them go to the menu “Developers” -> “API keys” and at the tab “Standard keys” click the button “Create secret key” to create a pair of keys after the registration and the activation of your Stripe account.

In case keys have been already created before you can use them. After you get the keys, copy them and paste in the tab “Stripe” of the payment template of our ticket selling system into the corresponding boxes, and then activate this payment method.


Popular billing integrator which offers users to connect payments via numerous payment systems, such as Klarna, PayPal and others. Settings are as follows: go to the site, section “Developers” -> “Api keys” and copy the parameter “Live API key”.

After that go to payment template editing in our ticket selling system, paste the copied key and activate Mollie as payment method.


Perfect system for receiving payments from credit cards. At the moment it has an outdated interface, but a long list of countries where you can receive payments and a quite loyal system of verification. To set it up copy parameters from the tab “API Credentials”, to find them go to the menu “Setting” -> “API Setting”. Then paste these parameters in the tab Bluesnap in our system.

Regional payment receipt systems

Further we’ll briefly describe which regional systems can be used in our system. We won’t go into detail, because the setting of any system consists of copying parameters. Names of the parameters can be found in the payment template. Moreover, interfaces of payment systems change rapidly and it is senseless to take screenshots and give links of any menu items.


Israeli payment system  used for receiving credit card payments. It also can send invoices to tax services.


The most popular Ukrainian payment system to pay via credit cards, can be used in some other countries.

Yandex Kassa

Popular Russian payment system created by Yandex searching system. It allows to receive payments from credit cards and to transfer information to tax services.


Russian payment integrator which makes possible to receive payments via different payment systems. It’s convenient but rather expensive.


Payment system created by a similarly-named Russian bank. It makes possible to accept payments for high profile customers.

Cloud Payments

One more Russian payment integrator to receive payments via numerous payment systems.


Czech payment system from one of local leaders in banking sector. It makes possible to accept payments from credit cards, but it is very stringent in potential clients checking.


Current Israeli payment system for receiving payments via credit cards. It’s the alternative of Tranzila.

If you have more question, please call us:


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