The development of a tool for creating tickets selling website based on TicketTool


For those of our clients who have been recently selling tickets or don’t regularly hold the events the issue of developing their own website arises quite sharply. Apart from this process being really long-term, it is also quite expensive. To remove this drawback and allow our clients to concentrate on organizing events we came to a conclusion to add a new tool. With the help of this tool, any customer can create a website in a matter of seconds. It is also possible to place the information not only about the events but also about his or her company. 

As the customer’s website will be hosted on our server and managed through our ticket selling system we can guarantee its stable operation and usage of the most modern optimization techniques for search engines. We also provide our clients with proper make-up for all the categories of devices from small smartphones to desktop computers and with the highest speed rating which is the most important factor when ranking a site in search engines.

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