Selling Tickets in Museums, Theme Parks, Zoos

Online system TicketTool enables the event planners to arrange selling tickets not only for concerts, seminars or parties, but it can be used by those organizations which regularly put up for sale tickets and work according to a definite schedule without being predicated on some events. It can be museums, theme parks, zoos, and any other amusements that work on a similar scheme.

System settings

To make it easy let’s take a look at the example of a theme park which works every day except Monday, and sells the tickets for entering the park from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. To manage the flow of visitors, there will be an additional condition – the separation of tickets for morning and evening, to enter the park from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tickets price will be different for children and adults. We’ll also show you how to set up annual season ticket sales.

Making price categories

To make regular ticket selling possible, we add several new parameters to price categories. Namely: the duration of the ticket in days, the number of scans, and two indicators to limit access by time. To make these settings, you should first create a price category and then proceed to edit the options described above. To do this, click on the dial icon in the price category list.

Then you should fill in the form and enter the necessary parameters. In our example, we have added a “kids'” ticket (half-free ticket) with access from 8 a.m. till 2 p.m. and with one scan.

The complete list of ticket categories for the above example looks like that:

Making events for regular ticket selling

Creating events for regular ticket selling doesn’t differ from ordinary ones on the first stage. You should choose the previously created pricing template and specify the date of the event for several years ahead. In this case, the date of the event means the sales end date. After the event is created, click the icon with the dial to go to the page of editing the settings for regular ticket sales. Please note that all permanent events will be displayed at the top of the general list of events and on the list for cashiers’ work. All other events will be sorted by the time they are held.

The form of editing settings enables you to indicate that the event will be used for regular ticket selling and enter the working hours of our theme park.

This is the end of settings and we can proceed to test.

The installation of ticket selling module on the website

The ticket selling module for museums and theme parks is made in the form of a calendar. It allows the visitor to choose the date and time of attending and also the number of tickets.

The module can be installed on the site in the form of an iframe with the dimensions 310 by 400px.

Making a season ticket

Annual subscriptions are often used to attract regular visitors. To make them, when adding a price category, you need to specify the validity period of the ticket of 365 days (or any other required number of days) and the number of allowed checks of the ticket. If the season ticket must be open-ended and allow a certain number of visits, you should enter zero in the ticket validity field and specify the required number of visits in the scan field (for example 10).

Information about the time of the visit on the ticket and in the e-mail

TicketTool enables sellers of the tickets themselves to develop ticket and e-mail samples that the client gets while buying tickets. Predefined tags are used to display information about events or customer data. For example, to display the event name, you should enter the tag {EVENT_NAME}. Tags that refer to the topic discussed in this article look like this:


They allow placing on a ticket or in an e-mail schedule of the visit, the day and time when the buyer of the ticket or subscription is entitled to visit.   

Browsing the list of visits by subscription

In case of using a subscription or tickets for several visits, it is important to save the history of attendance. To view this list you need to find the order of interest, click on it, and in the window that opens press on the icon with the symbol of the dial. On the opened page you will see the list of visits made to a particular ticket.

Tickets and subscriptions checking

While using TicketTool the check of tickets and subscription allowing multiple visits to a museum or amusement park is a very simple task. It became possible due to a detailed explanation of the reasons for the rejection of the ticket that we have implemented. The ticket inspector will receive comprehensive information on all the ticket parameters in case of rejection and will be able to explain it to the visitor. 

Moreover, we have tried to provide information that can help to warn the client about the forthcoming expiration of the season ticket or the number of visits. As with ordinary tickets, verification can be done using an application or scanner connected to a computer or tablet.

Replacing tickets with bracelets

In some cases, it is necessary to replace the tickets with a bracelet, which will help the organizers to quickly determine the status of the visitor and, depending on it, give him or her access to certain services. For this purpose, our system has a special page that allows after scanning the ticket to “assign” the visitor a bracelet with a barcode which can be further used both to admit the visitor and to record that the visitor left the room.

Turnout monitoring

During the global pandemic, the issue of controlling the number of visitors to a museum or a theme park is particularly significant. Governments of different countries issue rules regulating the number of people who can be present simultaneously on the territory of an object depending on its size. It is for this purpose that the system provides the use of bracelets. Also, tickets can be used to record whether the visitor has left the object.

Installation of turnstiles with scanners for automatic visitor entry and exit control

If you need to install equipment capable of automatically controlling the entrances and exits from the building, our specialists will help you in doing it, as well as to establish its interaction with our system. Automatic entrance control systems save labor costs, reduce waiting time for visitors, and provide better turnout supervision. The minimum cost per unit of equipment without installation is about $ 1500. The time of debugging and commissioning of the system will depend on the number of equipment and the complexity of the logic by which visitors are admitted to the object.

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